
Our expertise is built on 15 years of experience in the Telecommunications wireless systems, with extensive exposure to network, modem chipset, and system simulator vendors. This end-to-end experience enables WeTest to:

  • Develop complex test cases covering a wide range of established technologies in the market

  • Analyse in depth end-to-end issues involving user equipement and system simulator log analysis

  • Integrate newly released 3GPP features with end customers

Our 3GPP knowledge coupled with our end-to-end experience across all radio access technologies, make us a perfect candidate to bridge the gap between modem chipset vendors and any network, real or simulated, by providing engineering services and test cases. It also enables us to cover high-end customer needs in modern smartphone development.

Automation is a crucial means to stress test devices. Our test cases can be adapted to integrate within customer's existing automation framework, or delivered with an automated solution.

WeTest can scale its operations to help its clients overcome the challenge of developing and executing test cases under increased time pressure.